Salem Firsts
From Salem Links and Lore
- The first ice cream cones in New England were made at E.W. Hobbs' stand at the Salem Willows.
- The first elephant to step foot in America
- Capt. William Driver of Salem was the first to call the American flag "Old Glory."
- The country's first insurance actuary was Salem mathematician, astronomer and navigator
Nathaniel Bowditch.
- Salem sent the first American missionaries to a foreign country when Ann and Adoniram Judson
set sail to India in February 1812.
- The first playground in America was built in 1904, either at the end of Turner of Broad Street, by Christian Lantz.
- The Salem Fraternity Boys Club was the first boys club in the country.
- The country's first candy company opened in Salem in 1806, selling "Gibralters"
- Salem merchant Elias "King" Derby became the country's first millionaire.
- The first American yacht was launched from the docks of Salem in 1816 when Capt.
George Crowninshield sailed Cleopatra's Barge to sea.
- Salem sisters Elizabeth and Mary Peabody opened the first kindergarten in America in 1861.
- In 1877, Alexander Graham Bell demonstrated an invention called the telephone at Lyceum Hall.
The Boston Globe's Salem reporter became the first to use the phone to call in a story.
- The first blood was shed in America's War of Independence was at Leslie's Retreat on Feb. 26, 1776.
- The first X-ray machine was developed in 1898 by Frank Balch who lived on Essex Street in Salem.
- Charlotte Forten was the first black graduate of Salem Normal School(now Salem State College).