Salem Garden Club
From Salem Links and Lore
- Salem Garden Club was organized in January, 1928 and joined the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts the following year. It's been very active from the beginning.
- One of its first projects in the 30's was the rebuilding of the garden at the Brookhouse Home on Derby Street. The present-day Garden Club again maintains this historic garden and recently renovated the garden to make access easier for the elder residents.
- The club also sponsored garden contests for children who participated in the summer playground program.
- Beginning in 1929, the Salem Garden Club began participating in the Flower Show in Boston. In 1938, the group also held its own horticultural show at Hamilton Hall and sponsored garden tours over the years as well.
- In 1946, the Club published a delightful history of gardens in Salem, called Old Salem Gardens, a 71 page booklet written by Mable C.H. Pollack. It grew out of a number of papers given by club members and included brief articles about historic gardens, personal remembrances.
- In the 1970's and 80's some of the planting and beautifying projects done by the club were at Lappin Park in Townhouse Square, Winter Island, The Salem Common and the Shaughnessey Hospital as well as traffic islands in the downtown area.
- Around 1980, the Club began a tradition of participating in the annual "Christmas in Salem" house tour and they also decorate a room in the House of Seven Gables for the Christmas season.