Pageant of Salem

From Salem Links and Lore
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The Pageant of Salem took place over four days time in June, 1913 at the Kernwood Estate in North Salem. Proceeds benefited the House of the Seven Gables Settlement Association. The event started on Fri. evening June 13th and continued on Sat. the 14th, Monday evening the 16th and Tues. afternoon on the 17th. Over 1,000 people took part in the pageant and thousands viewed the episodes from the tiers of seats set up around the spacious estate.

Some of the episodes included: Indian life before the arrival of the white man, Roger Conant and the first settlers, Witchcraft events, General Gage's arrival, Leslie's Retreat, and Civil War events.

The pageant was directed by Miss Margaret McLaren Eager. Historical Censor was Sidney Perley and the music and chorus were directed by Jean M. Missud of the Salem Cadet Band.

According to the pageant booklet: "The maker of the Pageant has therefore chosen those episodes which have been decided turning point in the history and development of the town. Aside from its educational value and the stimulating of local pride in past achievement it is believed by those who have the Pageant in charge that it will strengthen the community spirit, reveal artistic resources and turn thought naturally from the past to the future and development of higher, better ideals."

See Also

Vertical File in Salem Collection - Salem Pageant

"Intense Interest shown in the Pageant of Salem to be given here in June" Salem Evening News, May 28, 1913, p. 12

"Witchcraft episode in the Pageant of Salem will be one of the most spectacular" Salem Evening News, June 2, 1913, p. 6

Pageant of Salem: Kernwood, Salem Massachusetts June 13,14,16,17 1913 M.M. Eager