American Indians in Salem
From Salem Links and Lore
The native American tribe living in Salem when the colonists arrived was called "Naumkeag".
They were part of the Pawtucket nation. There were as many as six other Indian Nations in New England.
By the time Conant came with his settlers, they number of Indians was greatly reduced. The new settlers were able
to use these cleared lands for their own use.
For more on Native American Deeds, see this online site:
See Also
Vertical File in Salem Collection - Naumkeag Indans
History of Salem, Massachusetts by Sidney Perley, Vol. 1
Salem in the Seventeenth Century Phillips
Historical Sketch of Salem Osgood
Salem: from Naumkeag to Witch City J. McAllister
Annals of Salem Joseph B. Felt
Old Naumkeag Webber