The library has subscriptions to many popular magazines. The latest issues are kept in our Reading Room for patrons to read in the library.
Once we receive the latest issue, the previous issue of some of our magazines becomes available for borrowing. These back issues are located in the stacks of the Reference Room.
Connect to EBSCO to search for magazine articles online.
[wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””]
- AARP Magazine
- AB Architecture – Boston
- American Ancestors
- American Spirit
- Apple Seeds
- Art in America
- Atlantic
- Beacon
- Banker & Tradesman
- Better Homes and Gardens
- Bicycling
- Bon Appétit
- Boston
- Boston Consumer’s Checkbook
- Bottom Line Personal
- Business Week
- Cabot Market Letter
- Calliope, Cobblestone, Faces
- Car and Driver
- Central Register
- Christian Science Monitor
- Christianity Today
- Columbia Journalism Review
- Congressional Digest
- Consumer Reports
- Discover
- Ebony
- Economist
- Esquire
- Family Circle
- Family Fun
- FDA Consumer
- Field & Stream
- Fifty Plus
- Forbes
- Fortune
- Le Forum
- GQ
- Glamour
- Golf Digest
- Good Housekeeping
- Goods and Services
- Highlights for Children
- Historic New England
- Jewish Journal
- Kiplinger’s Personal Finance
- Ladies Home Journal
- Ladybug
- La Revue de Salon
- Library Journal
[wpcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””]
- Massachusetts Wildlife
- Money
- Motor Trend
- Municipal Advocate
- Nation
- National Geographic
- National Geographic Traveler
- National Geographic Little Kids
- New England History & Genealogical Register
- New England Journal of Higher Education
- New England Real Estate Journal
- Newsweek
- The New Yorker
- Ode
- Odyssey
- Old House Journal
- Oprah
- Pack-o-fun
- Parenting
- Parents Magazine
- PC Magazine
- People Weekly
- Popular Mechanics
- Pilot
- Pockets
- Popular Photography
- Prevention
- Psychology Today
- Publisher’s Weekly
- Rotarian (non-circulating)
- Redbook
- Road and Track
- Runner’s World
- Saturday Evening Post
- Scientific American
- School Library Journal
- Skiing
- Smithsonian
- Sports Illustrated
- Sports Illustrated for Kids
- Time
- Trowel
- U.S. News & World Report
- Wired
- Woman’s Day
- Yankee