Retellings Display – Classic Literature

Juliet : A Novel by Fortier, Anne
Home Fire : A Novel by Shamsie, Kamila
Wicked : the Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West : A Novel by Maguire, Gregory
Recipe for Persuasion : A Novel by Dev, Sonali
Ayesha At Last by Jalaluddin, Uzma
Meg and Jo by Kantra, VIrginia
Quichotte : A Novel by Rushdie, Salman
VInegar Girl : the Taming of the Shrew Retold by Tyler, Anne
The Chosen and the Beautiful by Vo, Nghi
These VIolent Delights by Gong, Chloe
Tigers, Not Daughters by Mabry, Samantha
Going Bovine by Bray, Libba
Anna K : A Love Story by Lee, Jenny
Pride by Zoboi, Ibi Aanu
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