How Do I…?
…get a library card?
To register for a library card, please come to the main circulation desk. You will need to show us a photo I.D. and proof of your current address. High school students must show their student I.D. If your I.D. does not have your current address, you will need to bring in something that has your name and new address to show proof of residency. For example, a bill, checks, a lease, or a letter that has gone through the mail. We will ask you to fill out a registration card. Click here for directions to The Salem Public Library.
You can apply online for an account by filling out this form. If the system is unable to automatically verify your address, a temporary provisional card will be issued which can be upgraded to a permanent account by visiting any NOBLE library with photo ID and proof of address.
A NOBLE eCard is a NOBLE library card that you can register for online to access electronic materials such as ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and databases. There are some restrictions, please see for more info.
…reserve or place a hold on an item?
If an item is checked out or located at another Noble library, you can place a hold and have it sent to the library.
- Place holds by logging in to your NOBLE account, in person at the library, or on the phone by calling (978) 744-0860
- We will notify you by email or by phone when the item is available for pickup and place it on our hold shelf for seven days.
…renew my items?
- Materials may be renewed at the library, by phone, or online at NOBLE My Account.
- Phone renewals require your library card number and/or the barcode number of each item you wish to renew.
- NEW! Salem Public Library will automatically renew your items!
…pay for lost or damaged items?
Lost or damaged items may be paid for at the library or online at NOBLE My Account.
…reserve a study room?
Contact the Salem Public Library at 978-744-0860 and ask for the Reference Department.
…find the book drop?
Our book drop is located on the sidewalk, to the left of our main entrance stairs if you are facing the building. Items returned in our book drop before we open will be treated as if they were returned the previous day.
…print wirelessly?
You can print any document or web page from your mobile device or personal computer to our Reference Department printer (black & white prints only, single-sided, cost is $0.10 per page) by using one of the three methods described below:
1. Use the Princh mobile app for iOS and Android:

Download and install the app on your mobile device, following the instructions. After installing the app, running the Princh app will provide a brief tutorial on how to print using Princh and a map to locate the nearest library that accepts printing using Princh.
Note: Scan this QR Code when prompted or use Library ID 109316.
2. Use a web browser by going to
3. Use email by sending the file attachment(s) to
Documents received are placed in a queue and will be printed when you arrive at the Reference Department (2nd floor) to claim your printed materials.
Checkout our How To Use Princh document for more info.
…FAX my documents?
Feb 10, 2025: Please note that due to a phone line issue, our FAX service is temporarily unavailable.
Bring your items to the Reference desk located on the second floor and one of our Reference Librarians will assist you. Cost is $1.00 for the first page, $0.50 for subsequent pages. A FAX cover letter is free.
…find parking?
Street parking near Salem Public Library on Essex Street.