Summer Reading 2021 – Salem Academy

The other Wes Moore : one name, two fates by Moore, Wes
Out of my mind by Draper, Sharon M.
American Born Chinese by Yang, Gene Luen
Interpreter of Maladies by Lahiri, Jhumpa
El Color de mis Palabras = The Color of My Words by Joseph, Lynn
The old man and the sea by Hemingway, Ernest
The color of my words by Joseph, Lynn.
Interpreter of maladies : stories by Lahiri, Jhumpa.
The book thief by Zusak, Markus
The book thief by Zusak, Markus.
American born Chinese by Yang, Gene Luen
American born Chinese by Yang, Gene Luen.
Interpreter of maladies by Lahiri, Jhumpa.
Interpreter of maladies stories by Lahiri, Jhumpa.
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